Warrant of Fitness (WoF)
Service & Repair
Our mobile mechanics service all types of cars and trucks, offering everything from oil changes and tune ups to brake jobs and no-starts.
What is WoF?
A warrant of fitness (WoF) is a regular check to ensure that your vehicle meets required safety standards.
It’s your job to keep your vehicle up to WoF condition at all times. For example, while tyres on your vehicle may pass on the day of your warrant inspection, you’ll need to replace them as soon as the tread gets to the minimum depth. If you wait until the next inspection before replacing them, you increase your risk of having a crash or receiving a fine.
How often a WoF is required?
Vehicles first registered anywhere in the world on or after 1 January 2000 will need annual WoF inspections for their lifetime. For new vehicles, after an initial inspection, another WoF inspection won’t be required until the 3rd anniversary of their first registration. The length of time a WoF is issued for is calculated based on the vehicle’s date of first registration in New Zealand or overseas